3 Ltr Steel 300BAR Airgun Charging Cylinders – Stumpy Jack

From £187.50


Current Manufacture Date 09/2023

Top Quality 3 Ltr  300BAR steel cylinders fitted with Bisley Charging Valve and BEST Fittings Gauge. Complete with rubber boot and choice of hose. Fill Buddy Bottles direct from the valve. 5 Year Test Cycle.

We offer a BEST Fittings gauge upgrade for the Bisley Valves, and they can be ordered HERE. Please note, if you order a Cylinder and 08B3-GG13 Gauge Upgrade together, it will be automatically fitted before despatch


Please note, cylinders may be black or white depending on supplier availability.

Approx Dimensions / Weight EMPTY
Height: 420mm,  16½”
Diameter: 140mm, 5½”
Weight: 6.5kg, 14½ lb

Cylinder Markings Explained

3Ltr, 5Ltr, 7Ltr and 12 Ltr Available.

Our cylinders are CE marked and are type approved for use in the UK and European Union. They are not DOT Type approved for the US and US sub markets. Please check your specific country standards and satisfy yourself that they are suitable for your intended use. We cannot accept any return claims for unsuitability in your region.

To comply with shipping regulations, cylinders will be supplied empty.

Questions about this item? Contact Us


We offer a BEST Fittings gauge upgrade for the Bisley Valves, and they can be ordered HERE. Please note, if you order a Cylinder and 08B3-GG13 Gauge Upgrade together, it will be automatically fitted before despatch

Stumpy Jack” Top Quality 3 Ltr 300BAR steel cylinders fitted with Bisley Charging Valve.

Complete with rubber boot and choice of hose.

Fill Buddy Bottles direct from the valve. 5 Year Test Cycle.

3 Ltr, 4 Ltr, 5 Ltr, 7 Ltr and 12 Ltr  Airgun Charging Tanks and Bottles available from stock.

Cylinder Markings Explained

Our cylinders are CE marked and are type approved for use in the UK and European Union. They are not DOT Type approved for the US and US sub markets. Please check your specific country standards and satisfy yourself that they are suitable for your intended use. We cannot accept any return claims for unsuitability in your region.

To comply with shipping regulations, cylinders will be supplied empty.

SKU: 07R3-CY03, 07R3-CY63, 07R3-CY23, 07R3-CY73


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