Rohm Twinmaster – 2012 Onwards Filling Adaptors. Fill Probe with NO O-ring. Walther Reservoir

From £20.00


Rohm Twinmaster – 2012 Onwards Filling Adaptors. Fill Probe with NO O-ring. Walther Reservoir

Sought after fill adaptor for your new Rohm Twinmaster PCP, fitted with the Walther Reservoir.

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Sought after fill adaptors for your new Rohm Twinmaster PCP, fitted with the Walther

Can be identified by not having an O-ring on the probe that is supplied with the gun.

Our units are now “Through Drilled” to allow for conventional bleeding of the charging system without the need to partly unscrew the reservoir whilst still under pressure.

This helps to prevent premature wear of the reservoir threads and any subsequent damage from debris entering the gun.

SKU: 03R1-ML04, 03R1-ML05


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